Adult Sunday School

The 10 o’clock Bible Study on Sunday morning is a Bible class open to any adult and is taught by Brother Felipe. The purpose of the class is to promote spiritual growth in each individual. This growth is accomplished through practical Bible lessons and an emphasis on using the Scriptures and prayer in a daily walk with Christ.

Wednesday Bible Study

The mid-week Bible Study is on Wednesday evening at 6:30 PM. This is an opportunity to learn from the Bible.

During the Wednesday evening service, we also provide Masters Club for all children from Age 3 through 6th Grade, and Momentum Teen Class for 7th-12th graders during the school year.


We believe that Christian fellowship spreads a spirit of unity and encouragement in a body of believers. We have Men's Prayer Meetings, a Ladies Fellowships, and many ways to serve within the local community. Check the Church Calendar for our upcoming events!